Current version: 1.4
Shareware: $5
Requires Apple IIgs System 6.0.1 or later
DiskMaker -- counterpart to ImageMaker -- lets your Apple IIgs reconstitute disk image files back into real disks. With complete support for Universal Disk Image, DiskCopy 4.2, DiskCopy 6, DOS order, .DSK, and "raw" image files, you can create disks from an archive of Apple II disks, or restore from backups made using ImageMaker!
First you choose a disk image, then you choose a disk onto
which to write the image. You can choose a disk of the same
size as the image, or you can write your image to a disk of
another size. This can be incredibly useful -- keep a hard
drive partition of, 1.4 MB available, and you can use it to
quickly pull data off both 800K and 1440K floppy disks (if
you're equipped with a high-density floppy drive, of